274 research outputs found

    Effective CP violation in the Standard Model

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    We study the strength of effective CP violation originating from the CKM matrix in the effective action obtained by integrating out the fermions in the Standard Model. Using results obtained by Salcedo for the effective action in a general chiral gauge model, we find that there are no CKM CP-violating terms to fourth order in a gauge-covariant derivative expansion that is non-perturbative in the Higgs field. The details of the calculation suggest that, at zero temperature, the strength of CP violation is approximately independent of the overall scale of the Yukawa couplings. Thus, order of magnitude estimates based on Jarlskog's invariant could be too small by a factor of about 10^{17}.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Electroproduction and Hadroproduction of Light Gluinos

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    In a class of supergravity models, the gluino and photino are massless at tree level and receive small masses through radiative corrections. In such models, one expects a gluino-gluon bound state, the R0R_0, to have a mass of between 1.0 and 2.2 GeV and a lifetime between 10−1010^{-10} and 10−610^{-6} seconds. Applying peturbative QCD methods (whose validity we discuss), we calculate the production cross sections of R0R_0's in e−pe-p, π−p\pi-p, K−pK-p, p‟−p\overline{p}-p and p−pp-p collisions. Signatures are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 6 figures uuencoded, figures also available via anonymous ftp to ftp://physics.wm.edu/pub/gluinofig.p

    Affleck-Dine (Pseudo)-Dirac Neutrinogenesis

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    We consider the Affleck-Dine mechanism for leptogenesis in the minimal MSSM with Dirac or Pseudo-Dirac neutrinos. The rolling of scalars along D-flat directions generates a left-right asymmetry in the sneutrino sector, only the left part of which is transferred to a baryon asymmetry via sphaleron transitions. In the pure Dirac case the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is thus mirrored by an equal and opposite asymmetry in the leptons. The mechanism is also found to work when the neutrinos are pseudo-Dirac. No additional field needs to be added to the MSSM other than the right-handed neutrino.Comment: Latex, 3 figures, 1 bib file, 2 added reference, 1 minor correction, 1 added commen

    Axion-like particles as ultra high energy cosmic rays?

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    If Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) with E>4 10^{19} eV originate from BL Lacertae at cosmological distances as suggested by recent studies, the absence of the GZK cutoff can not be reconciled with Standard-Model particle properties. Axions would escape the GZK cutoff, but even the coherent conversion and back-conversion between photons and axions in large-scale magnetic fields is not enough to produce the required flux. However, one may construct models of other novel (pseudo)scalar neutral particles with properties that would allow for sufficient rates of particle production in the source and shower production in the atmosphere to explain the observations. As an explicit example for such particles we consider SUSY models with light sgoldstinos.Comment: 5 pages, 2 postscript figures, ref. adde

    Cosmic microwave background and large scale structure limits on the interaction between dark matter and baryons

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    We study the effect on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and large scale structure (LSS) power spectrum of a scattering interaction between cold dark matter and baryons. This scattering alters the CMB anisotropy and LSS spectrum through momentum transfer between the cold dark matter particles and the baryons. We find that current CMB observations can put an upper limit on the scattering cross section which is comparable with or slightly stronger than previous disk heating constraints at masses greater than 1 GeV, and much stronger at smaller masses. When large-scale structure constraints are added to the CMB limits, our constraint is more stringent than this previous limit at all masses. In particular, a dark matter-baryon scattering cross section comparable to the ``Spergel-Steinhardt'' cross section is ruled out for dark matter mass greater than 1 GeV.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, use RevTeX4, submitted to PRD replaced with revised versio

    One-Loop Helicity Amplitudes for Parton Level Virtual Compton Scattering

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    We calculate the one-loop QCD virtual corrections to all helicity amplitudes for parton level virtual Compton scattering processes. We include the amplitudes both on quark target process γ∗q→γq\gamma^* q\to\gamma q and on gluon target process γ∗g→γg\gamma^*g\to\gamma g. The infrared pole structure of the amplitudes is in agreement with the prediction of Catani's general formalism for the singularities of one-loop amplitudes, while expressions for the finite remainder are given in terms of logarithms and dilogarithms that are real in the physical region.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, detailed comparison with DVCS include

    Time variation of fundamental couplings and dynamical dark energy

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    Scalar field dynamics may give rise to a nonzero cosmological variation of fundamental constants. Within different scenarios based on the unification of gauge couplings, the various claimed observations and bounds may be combined in order to trace or restrict the time history of the couplings and masses. If the scalar field is responsible for a dynamical dark energy or quintessence, cosmological information becomes available for its time evolution. Combining this information with the time variation of couplings, one can determine the interaction strength between the scalar and atoms, which may be observed by tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle. We compute bounds on the present rate of coupling variation from experiments testing the differential accelerations for bodies with equal mass and different composition and compare the sensitivity of various methods. In particular, we discuss two specific models of scalar evolution: crossover quintessence and growing neutrino models.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures; minor typos & added references, to be published in JCA

    Induced Gravity and the Attractor Dynamics of Dark Energy/Dark Matter

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    Attractor solutions that give dynamical reasons for dark energy to act like the cosmological constant, or behavior close to it, are interesting possibilities to explain cosmic acceleration. Coupling the scalar field to matter or to gravity enlarges the dynamical behavior; we consider both couplings together, which can ameliorate some problems for each individually. Such theories have also been proposed in a Higgs-like fashion to induce gravity and unify dark energy and dark matter origins. We explore restrictions on such theories due to their dynamical behavior compared to observations of the cosmic expansion. Quartic potentials in particular have viable stability properties and asymptotically approach general relativity.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted in JCAP, results unchanged, an explanation added on perfect fluids for general spinor Lagrangian

    The energy production rate & the generation spectrum of UHECRs

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    We derive simple analytic expressions for the flux and spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays (UHECRs) predicted in models where the CRs are protons produced by extra-Galactic sources. For a power-law scaling of the CR production rate with redshift and energy, d\dot{n} /dE\propto E^-\alpha (1+z)^m, our results are accurate at high energy, E>10^18.7 eV, to better than 15%, providing a simple and straightforward method for inferring d\dot{n}/dE from the observed flux at E. We show that current measurements of the UHECR spectrum, including the latest Auger data, imply E^2d\dot{n}/dE(z=0)=(0.45\pm0.15)(\alpha-1) 10^44 erg Mpc^-3 yr^-1 at E<10^19.5 eV with \alpha roughly confined to 2\lesseq\alpha<2.7. The uncertainty is dominated by the systematic and statistic errors in the experimental determination of individual CR event energy, (\Delta E/E)_{sys} (\Delta E/E)_{stat} ~20%. At lower energy, d\dot{n}/dE is uncertain due to the unknown Galactic contribution. Simple models in which \alpha\simeq 2 and the transition from Galactic to extra-Galactic sources takes place at the "ankle", E ~10^19 eV, are consistent with the data. Models in which the transition occurs at lower energies require a high degree of fine tuning and a steep spectrum, \alpha\simeq 2.7, which is disfavored by the data. We point out that in the absence of accurate composition measurements, the (all particle) energy spectrum alone cannot be used to infer the detailed spectral shapes of the Galactic and extra-Galactic contributions.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, minor revision

    Investigation of the high momentum component of nuclear wave function using hard quasielastic A(p,2p)X reactions

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    We present theoretical analysis of the first data on the high energy and momentum transfer (hard) quasielastic C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reactions. The cross section of hard A(p,2p)XA(p,2p)X reaction is calculated within the light-cone impulse approximation based on two-nucleon correlation model for the high-momentum component of the nuclear wave function. The nuclear effects due to modification of the bound nucleon structure, soft nucleon-nucleon reinteraction in the initial and final states of the reaction with and without color coherence have been considered. The calculations including these nuclear effects show that the distribution of the bound proton light-cone momentum fraction (α)(\alpha) shifts towards small values (α<1\alpha < 1), effect which was previously derived only within plane wave impulse approximation. This shift is very sensitive to the strength of the short range correlations in nuclei. Also calculated is an excess of the total longitudinal momentum of outgoing protons. The calculations are compared with data on the C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reaction obtained from the EVA/AGS experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These data show α\alpha-shift in agreement with the calculations. The comparison allows also to single out the contribution from short-range nucleon correlations. The obtained strength of the correlations is in agreement with the values previously obtained from electroproduction reactions on nuclei.Comment: 30 pages LaTex file and 19 eps figure
